

Approaching 55, I became dissatisfied with my appearance in photos and longed for a rejuvenated, youthful look. I focused on troublesome areas, especially the wrinkled skin around my eyes, which had always bothered me due to its thinness and blue circles. Brown spots, sunken areas around my nose and mouth, and overall skin sagging were also concerns. Despite trying Botox, Fillers, and peels, these issues persisted. Seeking alternatives, I discovered BioMedical Emporium's skin rejuvenation solutions, with glowing customer reviews.

I contacted them and was directed to HK Aesthetics, specifically Hayley, who came highly recommended by BioMedical. I promptly met Hayley and was impressed by her professionalism and knowledge of advanced treatments for mature skin. She suggested a combination of treatments (Plasma, Deepshoot, IPL, and RF Microneedling) to address my concerns, along with a comprehensive skincare regimen featuring BioMedical products.

Hayley's unique approach centered on enhancing collagen, which plumps the skin and reduces wrinkles, lending a youthful appearance. Having dealt with various aestheticians, Hayley stood out for her genuine commitment to delivering visible results. Remarkably, after just a few sessions and improved skincare, my skin appeared a decade younger, a transformation I never believed possible. I owe my restored self-confidence and youthful skin to Hayley's expertise and BioMedical's guidance.

The before-and-after photos speak volumes about the treatments' effectiveness. Hayley educated me on maintaining my new skin, emphasizing a daily routine using BioMedical's eye serums, creams, and SPF protection to prolong the results and safeguard against future damage. BioMedical's locally manufactured products left my skin hydrated and radiant. My husband even commented on my smoother, more youthful skin, jokingly mentioning he's not trading me in for a 19-year-old anytime soon. Thank you, Hayley, for everything!

Before treatment
Adele before treatment
After treatment
Adele after treatment


When I started going to Hayley I had breakouts and oily skin with pigment and bad texture.

Hayley sorted my skin out in a few months and it’s been over 2 years now and she’s still my first recommendation to anyone struggling with their skin.

She really is magic.


I struggled with acne, blackheads, pigmentation and overall really dull and textured skin for quite some time and wanted to get good and glowing skin before my sisters wedding. It took us a period of about 5-6 months, but Hayley worked out an entire treatment plan and skincare regime for me and was instrumental in restoring my skin.

She taught me that there are no quick fixes, and keeping up the home treatment, eating a healthy diet and exercise plays such a big role.

Further, she went to the trouble of personally delivering product to my house when I needed it. She was always a WhatsApp message and phone call away, when I needed her advice or had a concern. I was blessed to have found Hayley (HK Aesthetics) and couldn’t recommend her enough.

Thank you Hayley ♥️


Hayley’s passion for skincare is evident through her thorough techniques and handling. Every facial is a relaxing experience that leaves my skin renewed and flowing.